Teaching Unit English for Psychologists – ANP
Our team provides essential support to students at the Institute of Psychology by developing the knowledge and language skills that are necessary for their studies. Teaching relies on educational innovation aiming to create immersive English-speaking environments, and build international, professionalized student profiles.
For all further information, please contact marina.bastounis@u-paris.fr
Institute of Psychology
71 avenue Édouard Vaillant, 92774
Boulogne-Billancourt Cedex
Office n°3055 and 3056
+33 (0)1 76 53 30 07
© Université Paris Cité
The ANP autonomous teaching unit was established at the Institute of Psychology in the early 90s under the direction of Professor Christine Roland-Lévy, based on the principle that all students pursuing a degree in the psychological sciences must be able to communicate effectively on the international academic stage, both within the scientific community and the general public.
Today, students take at least one course per year that is entirely taught in English and dedicated to psychological research. This training differs from learning general English in that it is designed to familiarize students with academic discourse and the terminology of the psychological sciences.
Students generally have a minimum B2 CEFR Level when entering the Bachelor’s programme and they are instructed to use digital resources in order to improve their skills in grammar, syntax, or pronunciation. Furthermore, the University’s two Language Centers offer students the opportunity to boost their general English language skills and to prepare for language certifications.
Today, the ANP team primarily addresses the needs of students in the Bachelor’s in Psychological Sciences as well as the Professional Bachelor’s, also offering several optional or Master’s level courses. This charge represents more than 1700 hours of teaching per year and involves a significant renewal of our teaching team every semester
How to join our teaching team
The desired profile for part-time teaching hours combines qualifications in scientific research and English language skills. The profiles we can recruit include Doctoral students with or without a doctoral contract, self-employed professionals, freelancers (status held for at least three years), public and private sector employees (with at least 900 hours of salaried work, or 300 hours of teaching per year).
For more information, please contact : marina.bastounis@u-paris.fr
Who are we ?
Our team is composed of qualified linguists and bilingual researchers and clinical psychologists who are passionate about the internationalization of studies and careers in Psychology.
Associate Professor in Social Psychology
Head of the Teaching Unit and 3rd year courses
Read more about Marina Bastounis
Marina Bastounis is Associate Professor in Social Psychology since 1996, holding degrees from University of Paris 5 and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences (EHESS). Currently in charge of the ANP unit, her research focuses on the role of psychosocial variables in organizational behaviours and outcomes. In addition to these activities, she is a trainer and consultant in executive education, specializing in performance and well-being at work.
Read more about Gina Keefer
Ms. Gina Keefer, from Portland, Oregon, USA, holds degrees in English and French Comparative Literature, Teaching English as a Foreign Language, and Psychology, along with post-graduate diplomas in acceptance-commitment, addiction, and trauma-informed psychology. She has taught at universities in San Francisco, Prague, Kobe, Chetumal, and Hanoi, while also practicing therapy. Now based in Paris, Ms. Keefer runs a private psychology practice and teaches English for psychologists. She emphasizes creative, interactive learning to enhance students’ professional skills. A dedicated researcher, she actively integrates current psychological methods into her teaching and therapy, helping both students and clients achieve their full potential.
Read more about Karen Zouaoui
Karen Zouaoui has been a lecturer in English at the Institute of Psychology, Université Paris Cité, since 2012. She is the academic coordinator for English courses for first-year undergraduate students and Master’s students in the PCFA programme. She develops innovative educational resources, including interactive materials on Moodle, ready-to-use courses for academic staff, and methodologies tailored to research and scientific communication. Her academic commitment is reflected in the publication of educational resources (Studying Psychology in English) and scholarly articles, as well as in her co-founding of the B.S. Johnson Society, dedicated to the study of British avant-garde literature.
Associate Professor of English (PRAG)
Head of 2nd year courses
Read more about Céline Jalliffier-Merlon
Lecturer in English, with a background in Psy-chology, Céline Jalliffier-Merlon has been teaching English to undergraduate and Mas-ter’s students at the Henri Piéron Institute of Psychology since September 2011. She is the pedagogical coordinator for English courses in the second year of the Bachelor’s program in Psychology, the Pro-fessional Bachelor’s program in Social Inter-vention: Support for Specific Audiences – Autism Spectrum Disorder, and the Master 1 PCFA program. Co-author of “Studying Psy-chology in English” (Dunod, 2019) with Nathalie Makeïeff and Karen Zouaoui, her areas of interest include pedagogical engi-neering (Moodle, AI tools), innovative ap-proaches to teaching languages, and the de-velopment of critical thinking skills in stu-dents.
Read more about Nathalie Makeïeff
As a founding member of the ANP teaching unit, Nathalie Makeïeff has taught psychological sciences in English for over two decades. During this time, she has held several administrative roles, including liaising and coordinating with the Language Center of Paris Cité University located at Paris – Odéon. With her colleagues from the team, Céline Jalliffier-Merlon and Karen Zouaoui, Nathalie co-authored the manual “Studying Psychology in English: A Practical Guide.”
Nathalie retired in 2024-25
2024-2025 Teaching Team
Our part-time teaching assistants come from various cultural and disciplinary backgrounds, offering diversified perspectives to teaching. This year, our team is composed of young bilingual researchers, members of research laboratories, and invested in the preparation of a doctoral thesis in their respective fields.
Kateryna Kliutzko
Doctoral student, Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA)
Fabian Müller
PhD in Social Psychology
Research Associate, ACTé Laboratory
Read more about Fabian Müller
Read more about Lucia Manzione
Anita Mueller
Doctoral student LPPS, Translational Research Department Institut Curie
Read more about Anita Mueller
Lada Muraveva
Doctoral student, School for Advanced Studies – SAPRAT & LabEx Hastec
Liudmila Piatnitckaia
Doctoral student, Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA)
Daria Vilkova
Doctoral student, Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA)
Eduarda Bannach
Doctoral student, Laboratory of Applied Psychology and Ergonomics (LaPEA)
Read more about Lucia Manzione
Read more about Belén Azofra-Macarron
Course content by year of Bachelor’s degree
Y1 – Reading and analysing empirical research reports published in international journals – understanding scientific articles
Y2 – Comparing ideas popularized by social media and scientific research results – enhancing critical thinking
Y3 – Developing a research proposal related to planetary health: from scientific literature to the formulation of hypotheses and methodological choices
L3 Optional course
Psychology & Management
An exploration of the main topics of organizational psychology: motivation, team dynamics, performance and well-being at work
Master’s courses
English & Scientific Communication
Boosting the language and presentation skills related to research and the ability to communicate effectively in a scientific environment
Professional Bachelor’s Degree course L3
Social Intervention: Support for Specific Audiences
Dedicated to autism spectrum disorder, this course addresses theoretical, diagnostic, and educational interventions, examined also through their ethical and social aspects
Our team has extensive experience in teaching Psychology in English expressed in the publication of textbooks designed specifically to guide our students in acquiring the language skills necessary for success in their studies and in their future careers.
L’Anglais de la Psychologie en 1000 Mots
Alain Frangi & Christine Roland-Levy, BELIN 1995
Psychology in English
Marina Bastounis, Christine Roland-Lévy, & Alain Frangi, BELIN 2003
Studying Psychology in English: A practical guide
Nathalie Makeïeff, Céline Jalliffier-Merlon & Karen Zouaoui, DUNOD 2019